Welcome to HUAI I
Revenue Information
Unit:NT$ Thousand
月份 每月營收 累計營收
本年月營收額 去年同期月營收額 增(減)比率(%) 本年累計營收額 去年累計營收額 增(減)比率(%)
1 38,942 42,379 (8.11) 38,942 42,379 (8.11)
2 16,295 30,923 (47.30) 55,236 73,302 (24.65)
3 40,567 31,422 29.10 95,743 104,724 (8.58)
4 31,536 20,498 53.85 127,279 125,222 1.64
5 38,605 22,468 71.82 165,884 147,690 12.32
6 28,078 30,681 (8.48) 193,962 178,371 8.74
7 27,456 34,474 (20.36) 221,418 212,845 4.03
8 36,948 19,469 89.78 258,366 232,314 11.21
9 55,165 23,680 132.96 313,531 255,994 22.48
10 18,072 28,059 (35.59) 331,603 284,053 16.74
11 44,860 30,362 47.75 376,463 314,415 19.73
12 43,144 32,054 34.60 419,607 346,469 21.11

Financial Report
Quarterly Illustrate Related files
2023Q2 Consolidated financial report for the second quarter of 2023
2023Q4 Consolidated financial report for the fourth quarter of 2023